A College Girl's Guide to Traveling Abroad

Traveling abroad and being immersed in a completely different culture while visiting breath-taking sites is an amazing opportunity. From beautiful landscapes to impeccable castles, Europe has it all (not to mention the incredible food). Traveling to a new country can be intimidating, though, so be sure to remember these tips when traveling abroad.


1. Layers—Pack layers. The temperature in most places in Europe can change quickly. One day it can be sunny and 75 degrees and the next cold and rainy. Layers become your best friend. The other perk of layers is that by adding a different scarf over your jacket, or a different sweater underneath, your outfit will completely change from the day before.

2. Booties—When the weather is ever-changing, what better shoes to bring than versatile booties? Booties will go with your outfit whether you have on jeans and a sweater or a cute sundress.


3. Jet lag is a real thing—After an eight-hour flight and a five-hour time change, don’t discount jet lag. Whether you sleep on the plane or not, the first day abroad is likely to be a struggle. Don’t sleep the day away, though! There’s only a limited time to be spent abroad and you don’t want to waste any time.

4. Take pictures, but live in the moment—Take a lot of pictures, but don’t live behind a camera. Europe is amazing and almost every step is picture-worthy, but really spend your time focusing on the experiences that it has to offer. Get that amazing Insta-worthy post and then enjoy the day!

travel abroad

5. See as much as you can—There are endless activities and attractions in Europe. Plan strategically and fit in as much as you can, for it may be a once in a lifetime opportunity you don’t want to miss out on.

Do you have more tips about traveling abroad? Let me know in the comments below!
