Lavender Locks, Beads and Bedazzle

The cold weather is here and so are exams, but nothing makes you feel better than a massive refresh to your look! We all have those bold cosmetic choices that we’ve secretly wanted to make, but never had the guts. Never fear ladies and gents because this month’s Fashionista is going to show you how to own those fierce looks.

Coloured hair seems to be a major trend right now, particularly adding a little dash of purple or lavender to your do’! We’ve seen this trend popping in the magazine spreads and the Instagram feeds of our most beloved celebrities and fashion icons such as Kylie Jenner, Zayn Malik and Ariana Grande. After watching Ariana’s Focus video about a thousand times, I think it’s safe to say our Fashionista/o dreams are full of mermaid lavender locks. The trouble is bleaching and dying your hair to such an extreme colour can not only be expensive but it’s harmful to your hair! If you are a dark haired dame like myself, achieving a colour as light as this turns our mermaid lavender dreams into algae green nightmares. Our Fashionista this month shows us how to embrace our dark roots, and incorporate the purple into our natural look, reminiscent of Katy Perry’s Dark Horse video.  By adding a darker purple to just the tips or bottom half of your hair, you can create a sleek, whimsical ombre that will give Ariana a run for her money.

If you’re feeling extra fierce this month, take a lesson from this Fashionista and get yourself that piercing you have always wanted. The perfect time to experiment with looks is when you are young and there is no time like the present! So grab your best hand holding pal and bedazzle yourself, a piercing can add a whole new dimension to your look. Alternatively, if you’re feeling a little squeamish head out to an accessories shop and grab yourself a falsie. For my Toronto readers check out my favourite costume jewelry stop Bling Bling on Queen, if you aren’t from the area, you can pick up great false septum and nose rings at Claire’s.
