We're Unmasking These Style Gurus' Skincare Routines

As a college student, it’s easy to brush off a skincare routine. Sometimes falling asleep in your make-up is inevitable (I definitely can vouch to that). However, taking care of your skin is more important, especially for years to come. Having a consistent routine and acknowledging your bad skin habits is the first steps.

Now I know what you are going to say: “Who has time for a multi-step skincare routine?” The answer? You do! Take that extra five minutes in the morning to wash your face instead of checking Instagram (I’m sure your followers will forgive you). And, to be honest, your routine does not need to be that complex, a simple face wash and make-up remover can always do the trick.

Want to know how our Style Gurus stay fresh faced? Well then, you’re in luck. Check out these four Style Gurus below, as they reveal their skincare tips, bad skin habits and the importance of a routine.

Lizzie Bross

Her skincare routine: “My skincare routine is pretty simple. I usually just wash my face with a Neutrogena scrub every morning and night and use a toner after. I also use a charcoal mask every other week and an overnight mask as well.”

Why her skin is important to her: “My skin is really important to me and I want to do my best to take care of it by doing my routine and keeping healthy habits such as drinking water and eating well.”

(Photo via @lizziebross)


Diamond Buckley

Her skincare routine: “My skincare routine consists of me washing my face with soap and water every night and then applying vitamin e oil all over. I switch around with routines a lot to figure out what’ll work best for me.”

Her bad skin habit: “Sometimes if I get home late from a long night, I sleep in my makeup because I don’t feel like taking it off. Its terrible.”

(Photo via @j20th)


Megan Sharp

Her skincare routine: “One of my top priorities is my skin. I use Mario Badescu cleanser, toner, Glossier super pure serum and MB moisturizer every morning and night.”

Other routines she’s tried: “I’ve probably tried almost every brand there is: Rodan & Fields, Clean & Clear, Proactive, etc. My skin is super important to me!”

(Photo via @n_agem)


Ana Gabriela

Her skincare routine: “Typically in the morning I’ll apply a face serum and moisturizer in the morning. At night I’ll use a makeup remover, wash my face with a cleanser, apply a serum again and moisturizer. I recently began being more consistent with my routine.”

Why skincare is important to her: “Skincare is very important to me. I am very careful in choosing make up brands that use SPF and try to stay away from any that use harsh chemicals. Skin care is definitely something I invest in a lot of research and money on.”

(Photo via @anagabrielateran)


