Here's What Happened When I Turned My Traveling Dreams Into Reality

Most of us have a list of dream travel destinations that we like to fantasize about. Back in high school, I used to scroll through my Tumblr feed and blog photos of cityscapes I longed to visit one day. England was the top country in my long list of dream travel destinations. For many years, a dream is all it was until last winter break when I decided to enroll in my university’s summer study abroad program in Southern England. Here’s how my life changed when I started traveling and turned my dreams into plans.

The moment in my counselor’s office when I decided I would apply to the study abroad program felt so liberating and empowering. Deciding to make that dream a reality gave me a boost of confidence and a sense of control over my life. I spent the following winter months planning and applying for scholarships to fund my trip. Spring semester flew by, and I was soon boarding a plane to London with my Barbie pink suitcase. It was my first time flying on my own. I had been 21 for a couple of months, yet that was one of the first times I truly felt like an adult.

PHOTO: Lex Kelly

My trip only lasted 16 days, but it changed me. When I came back from England, I claimed the independence I had felt while abroad. I finally got my driver’s license—another great feat for me. Transforming my perspective about traveling also transformed the way I viewed my other dreams. I am about to begin my senior year of college, and I have an amazing internship writing for college fashionista. I also just came back from a road trip to Boston with my boyfriend, and I’m currently planning an upcoming trip to Colombia and a trip to Europe.

Whether your dreams are to travel, advance your career, and/or reach your personal goals, all you need to fulfill your dreams is to change your mindset about them. Actively work to pursue those dreams by researching, organizing, creating spreadsheets, making mood boards for inspiration, journaling—whatever works best for you to plan those goals. You’ll be surprised by the possibilities that open up when you change your perspective.

How do you plan on making your dreams a reality this fall semester? Comment down below or tag us @Cfashionista on our social media platforms! 
