STYLE GURU STYLE: Unlock the Key to Athleisure

As college students it can be easy to get lazy with our fashion choices. We might opt for sweats one day and workout clothes the next. Trust me, we have all been there. However, why not express your personal style when it can be just as easy as throwing on an oversized sweatshirt and running out the door?

While I would consider my style to be dressier than the typical college student, it can be difficult to sport skirts and heels to class every day. I have recently embraced the athleisure look for the days where I am constantly running from classes to meetings. I have learned to love my sneakers and leggings on busy days like these.

There are tons of ways to dress up sneakers and leggings or still keep it casual while embracing your style. I often pair long blouses and tons of dainty jewelry with these pieces for an outfit that seems totally professional and put-together on top but is super comfy on the bottom!

Sneakers themselves are a huge fashion trend that even the most elaborate fashion bloggers are embracing. Lucky for us, they are a trend that are timeless and readily available on a college gal’s budget. I like to buy sneakers that complement my go-to accessories or ones that add a pop of color to my usual all black ensemble.

Here I paired my favorite leggings with a graphic T-shirt that says “CEO.” As a business student who is also a brother of a business fraternity, I thought this was hilarious and expressed my personality. I paired these pieces with my favorite sneakers, which adds a subtle amount of color to the look. Last but not least, I threw on my favorite oversized sweater to keep myself warm on the walk to campus.

The next time you go shopping be sure to pick up a pair of your favorite black leggings and some funĀ sneakers that express who you are. Once you have these two key pieces you are always bound to look amazing even on your laziest days.
