The 5 Things You Should Do During Your Job Hunt But Probably Aren't

Job hunting is a fact of life. As a fresh and eager graduate, my hunt has been focused on finding work with my degree and within my interest. The past few months have certainly been tumultuous, but a few things stood out to me in my first foray into the post-grad job hunt.

This isn’t a how-to guide for getting the job—I surely am no expert—but there are a few things to keep in mind when tackling the sometimes-overwhelming process of sending out applications.

Make your resume stand out

Maybe Elle Woods was onto something when she used that pink paper and spritzed all that perfume. Having fun with the layout of your resume can make the process of compiling your experience into one document less arduous. Most word processors—whether you’re on that Microsoft Office subscription or a Google Docs convert—have a variety of free themes at your disposal.

Want to show off your design talents you may have accumulated over time, you multifaceted Millennial? Design your own resume by getting some inspiration from Pinterest boards. And not only are there are tons of dreamy designs, there are even some artists you can support should you choose to invest in a template instead!

Keep an eye on social media posts

Looking for a career in your dream field can seem difficult, but there is a way to get intel on your favorite companies that only requires the click of a button. Companies and publications often post their job listings on their social accounts when getting the word out. Following accounts can also help you get insight into their branding prior to submitting your resume and cover letter—being familiar is always the best form of flattery.

Proofread those covers letters, resumes, and emails

Nothing is worse than a massive typo in a professional correspondence (guilty), but peer edits are a great way to help avoid anything tragic being sent off. Having friends or family read over your writing is great for your academic work, it is an even better when you’re trying to represent yourself on paper. Loved ones will know what you need to say to put your best foot forward and provide their insight into how to get the job.

Check out your university’s career website—while you can!

Most universities have an on-site career center with stocked with seminars and support, but the online career hub your school offers can be an amazing place to find new opportunities. I got my start at CollegeFashionista through mine and found subsequent jobs through those postings—they’re targeted and often looking for recent graduates. Be sure to familiarize yourself with how long you will have access to your online career board once you’re post-grad—most schools allow their recent grads to scour the listings for a few years into the real world.

Cut yourself some slack and (try to) have fun with the process

It can be taxing looking for jobs, internships, and freelance work. Be sure to look after yourself—take breaks after staring at a screen for a long time and don’t let application deadlines get you down. There’s only so much you can do in so much time; being gentle with yourself during this process will help you focus and get the job done—and also get the job itself.

What else are you doing to get yourself one step closer to securing a j-o-b? Let us know in the comments below!
