February Letter from the Editor: It’s the Little Things

february mood board

College Fashionista’s editorial fellows are the ones who brainstorm our themes each month. We all come together for a half hour and think of what types of concepts, words, and ideas remind us of the upcoming month. Then they decide which of those ideas would be best when it comes to embodying the next 28 to 31 days. In general, February has a bad rap for being cheesy (thanks to Valentine’s Day). And while we’re all for love, in every sense, the fellows knew that there’s more to the second month of the year than candy hearts and Hallmark movies.

You might be feeling overwhelmed and a little blue, despite the saccharine sentiments printed across every card. It’s the middle of winter (ew), your homework is piling up (yuck), and the thought of spring and summer applications won’t stop nagging you (help). When you’re stressed out, it’s hard to find time to show yourself some love—even though it’s when you need it most. Stress also makes it challenging to see the bigger picture and appreciate the good parts of life.

That’s why our theme for this month is “it’s the little things.” We encourage you to step back, take a breath, and focus on the minute details that make you feel thankful and loved. It’s so easy for us to get wrapped up in school, internships, work, relationships, and the (sometimes terrifying) unknown future. We often forget to appreciate the little things that make us smile, laugh, and remind us that, yeah, we’re definitely going to be okay.

The CF Team

What does “it’s little things” mean to you? What small details in your life make it so lovely? Let us know below, or tag us on Instagram!
