Life is good for students at The George Washington University. Going to the “mall” means heading to The National Mall…overlooking the Washington Monument. The word “midterm” is synonymous with “cherry blossom season.” Their off-campus neighbors just happen to be named Barack and Michelle. Not too shabby.
Jealous? We are too. See what we mean as we head to GWU in this week’s #CFonCampus.
1. @jordynnmurphy—Oh you know, just your normal college yoga class. NBD.
2. @em_brown14—Flowers and flags are equally prevalent and equally beautiful at GWU.
3. @kina_marie829—Four words: National Cherry Blossom Festival.
4. @yesssyang—Getting to and from class is fast…and makes for the perfect Instagram shot.
5. @michaelmacklv—You go to a school named after the first president of the United States. Talk about big shoes to fill…
6. @dylan.hofstetter—Studying hard isn’t so bad when you have a gorgeous view.
7. @gwuniversity—With a picturesque campus like GWU, #nofilter has never been more accurate.
8. @jacktaylorbuchinator—Oh, and did we mention that campus happens to be located in the nation’s capital?
9. @gw_firstladies—Michelle is not the only “first lady” in town.
10. @tayylashh—And every once and while, your neighbors bring their friends and stop by for a campus visit.