Facts have shown that certain colors stimulate certain emotions in people. Green provides a peaceful and refreshed sense and yellow provides a foundation for creativity. However, colors we see more of in the winter, such as black and gray, give off a lack of energy, depression and coldness. That’s why one of the best things about spring is positive and bright colors we are exposed to in people’s outfits.

This week’s Fashionista truly represents spring and spreads positivity through the wide array of colors present in her outfit. Simply by pairing together a tie-dye dress, a few bracelets and platform Birkenstocks the perfect spring outfit is created. Just in one ensemble there is pink, yellow, blue, green, orange, black and white—almost all the colors of the rainbow!

Tie-dye is not just a trend for hippies in the ‘70s anymore. It has come back as a trendy and fun style. Whether it’s a tie-dye shirt, pair of pants or purse, tie-dye is a great way to easily stand out and show off some fun colors.

How To: Feeling creative and want to try this look out for yourself but don’t want to spend the money on a new item of clothing? Head to your local craft store, or a Walmart, and buy yourself a tie-dye kit. Find an old solid-colored piece of clothing or accessory and follow the instructions on the kit. Pair your new work of art together with all your favorites and voila, you have a whole new outfit ready for spring!
