ALL IN THE DETAILS: It's The Little Things

Here in Ohio, the winters are cold. When I say cold, I mean I have to force myself to leave my bed and my beloved heated blanket that has become my favorite thing as the seasons have changed. As we begin to adapt our fashion senses to the cold winter headed our way, we often tend to layer up on our favorite essential pieces. Our favorite pair of boots are joined by the detailing of cute ankle socks, which are then matched with stockings. Layering up clothing has always been one of my favorite aspects of the colder seasons because just the right amount of coziness is added to the still put together look. More recently, I have come to appreciate a different type of layering. It’s one that involves the tiny detailing that makes a huge impact on a look—accessories.

I believe the saying, “less is more,” highly applies to how one styles their accessories. At one point in fashion history, layering on the costume jewelry was extremely chic and “in.” At this moment, though, I have seen many girls tend to shy away from wearing too many accessories, and instead, gravitate toward wearing a couple rings at a time. The simplicity of wearing one or two rings can complete a look in ways many other accessories cannot. Whether it is an intricately designed statement ring that will add a pop of color to an entire look or a more simple ring that will add to the overall flow of the outfit, any ring can easily be the finishing touch to any look.

This Fashionista’s look is beautifully put together with a dark floral patterned dress, black stockings, navy ankle socks, booties and a black wool blend coat.

How To: Before you walk out the door feeling not 100 percent confident in your outfit choice, add a ring or two to fully rock the look you are going for. Hand candy is always necessary!
