It’s summertime and whenever we do get a break, getting close to water is at the top of our to-do list! Whether you are on vacation, going to a beach or just hanging out with your family on your younger sibling’s slip and slide, you want to look and feel your best. For some, gym time is a must-have in their daily routine. For the rest of us, it’s more about trying to find the time to even think of the word gym.

Between summer classes, working, checking our Twitters and of course eating your best friend’s baked goods the night before, there’s never enough time. So instead of feeling bad about the junk food you binged on while cramming for a test and not being able to workout, why not go for a nice walk. Remove yourself from your desk and textbook and get some fresh air! Before you know it, you will be burning calories in no time.

This Fashionista is ready to burn calories, one stride at a time and in style. While doing her work, she loves to be comfortable. She kept on her purple yoga pants and decided to go for a nice jog. She paired the pants with a gray tank top, and since it was kind of chilly out, she decided to throw on her North Face jacket to keep her warm. This Fashionista twisted her hair on both sides, eliminating any sweat that could cause her hair to stick to her face. While working out, she wanted to keep it simple, so she ditched all accessories except for a pair of studded earrings. However, what’s running without a good pair of shoes? She laced up her gray and mint Nikes for a splash of extra color!

One Simple Change: If she happens to get hot, she can always take off her jacket. However, she will still want to look gorgeous while working out. She can pair her grey tank top with a colorful bralette or sports bra!
