I’ve done quite a fair share of travelling over the past few weeks, and what I have learned along the way is that you do not want to have a large amount of luggage in your possession. It truly is not fun, and at the end of the day it is a very big hassle. As a fashion obsessed lover like many of you, this can be quite an issue, especially when you want to plan a new outfit for each day of the holiday. That might work for a one week holiday to a relaxing resort, but when you are backpacking through Europe, packing light is key.

A Fashionista I discovered while travelling had this concept down to a tee, and this meant I definitely had to share with the rest of the Fashionista/o crowd.

One suitcase, and that is all that this Fashionista had with her for the spring break trip around Europe. She was wearing the only pair of shoes she brought that week which were the classic Adidas, and I personally fell in love with them. Since the Adidas were plain black and white, they were perfect for the casual site seeing during the day, but also great to switch up for a more dressed up evening when paired with tights and a skirt.

The particular outfit for travelling I discovered this Fashionista in was a pair of faded gray skinny jeans cuffed at the ankle, a casual statement T-shirt and a leather jacket. All pieces are perfect because they can be used more than once with different items of clothing. A key rule to follow when travelling.

When I first came across this look, I knew the Fashionista had a talent for travelling. Three perfect staple items to be used more than once, meant all you would need to pack extra is possibly an additional pair of pants, a skirt of choice, and light blouses or T-shirts to switch up the outfit. A scarf is also a great addition for days it may be colder than other, or the unexpected showers where the scarf can act as a quick umbrella while sprinting inside for coverage.

Packing light definitely does not mean you are compromising personal style, it just means you have to be creative with the items you choose to bring. For myself, this is a lesson I still need to learn but am starting to have better ideas for my future trips.
