WHAT TO WEAR: Goth Goddess

Are you goth? Do you like the color black? Are you a goddess? Well then do I have the perfect outfit for you! I know what you are thinking what is a goth goddess? A goth goddess is a person who wears dark,edgy, goth clothing and adds a feminine touch to it. Goth style may not be for everyone, but I love it. That may be just because I am obsessed with the color black. Anyway, Lets talk about this amazing goth goddess I found on campus!

Well this fashionista figured it out. On this warm December day she wore an amazing ankle length velvet dress that had lace trim. This dress was perfect because it covered her legs and arms to protect them from the cold December winds. It was also lightweight so it wouldn’t be uncomfortable. She added black clogs to add even more of an edge to the look. By adding accessories like a cross choker and a black puff ball hair piece, these pieces really tied this goth look together. Lastly, this fashionista added a bright lilac lip color to her look to really make her face the highlight of the outfit. Her makeup makes this look have a softer feel and that really balances the whole black and edgy feel of the outfit.

I know goth is intimidating because of the darker colors and edgier style, but if you want to wear it wear it. Black is a flattering color and will make you look bomb! Now if goth fashion isn’t your cup of tea, you can still take some of these pieces and adapt them to your style! As long as you feel good and look good you can still be a goddess like her!
