WHAT TO WEAR: Celebration

I know you’re thinking, “Is this Fashionista actually outside in a dress when there’s still snow on the ground?” This is at least what any sensible Ithaca College student would immediately question. Despite the snowfall and gloomy clouds though, the temperature was decently warm considering what we’ve had to endure thus far.

I was immediately attracted to this Fashionista’s look not only due to her dress’s beautiful floral pattern, but also because of its versatility. I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all had occasions in which we’ve arrived to a celebration embarrassingly over or under dressed. Haven’t run into that problem? Lucky you, but you will…unless you choose numbers like this Fashionista’s cotton dress.

There’s really no going wrong with cotton skater dresses. These dresses are easily dressed up or down, even at the very last minute. Looking like a try-hard at your best friend’s birthday brunch? Pull your locks up into a ponytail to immediately transform your look from dressy to casual. Cotton dresses usually work in the opposite situations as well, as long as you’re not headed to prom. Though you may not be sporting a cocktail dress like your counterparts at a work party, your heels make up for it.

Speaking of heels, make sure to choose a pair that can either be perceived as dressy or casual. Avoiding a heel with your dress will help you to appear underdressed if you show up to an occasion in which most of your peers are dressed slightly more formal than you are. On the other hand, stilettos will have the opposite effect and can make your look more formal than is appropriate for an occasion. This is why, when you’re unsure exactly how formal you should dress for a celebration, you should aim for a middle ground. Any extremes will make you stand out, and not always for the right reasons.

One Simple Change: Planning on staying at the party until after dark? Bring a blazer to keep you warm on the walk to the car. You can also throw it on during the event if you realize you’ve under dressed.
