TWENTY QUESTIONS—Melissa Levin, CollegeFashionista's COO

It’s STYLE GURU BIO week here at CollegeFashionista. While we are busy getting to know the #RAD team of 2,000+ Style Gurus who make up our #GuruGang this spring, we figured it would be a great time for you to learn a little bit more about the team here at CollegeFashionista!

All week long, as you read the bios of your favorite Style Gurus, be sure to check out the homepage as we play “20 Questions” with a member of the CollegeFashionista team.

Next up we have our COO, Melissa Levin—who wears a lot of hats (especially beanies) here at CollegeFashionista. She spends her time at CollegeFashionista writing articles, overseeing the editorial content on the site, drinking obscene amounts of coffee and a ton of other behind-the-scenes work. If you love complex grammar rules, Jay Z and/or an impressive sneaker collection, then be sure to check out Melissa’s responses in our latest round of “20 Questions.”

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Favorite shoes? Sneakers. The more unique the better.

Must-have accessory? A great black bag (or six). And preferably Proenza Schouler.

Most surprising website you visit on a regular basis? Because most fashion girls speak fluent hockey, right?

Always up for… brunch, traveling, pictures of dogs (especially when they are of her own) and random adventures.

Never up for… gluten, dairy, soy and velvet.

Your brunch order? Eggs. In an omelet, scrambled, poached—I will pretty much take them in any shape or form. They are my favorite food!

Least favorite food? Pasta. Thanks to the great food poisoning incident of 1993, I haven’t been able to stomach spaghetti since.

Favorite song lyrics? “Today is never too late to be brand new.” (Yes, I just quoted Taylor Swift. No shame.)

Best gift you have ever received? Life and a trip to climb Mount Kilimanjaro—both generously given to me by my parents.

Pet peeve? Bad manners and not knowing basic grammar rules.

What is your spirit animal? Mindy Kaling. 

Biggest fear? Chipping my teeth.

Celebrity crush? It’s a tie—Jake Gyllenhaal and Bradley Cooper. Oh hey blue eyes…

Most random fact about yourself? I am a secret lawyer.

What is the last hobby you picked up? Surfing

What topic would you own in trivia? The life, times and lyrics of Jay Z and Beyoncè

What is the movie you laughed the hardest during? Old School. Or Anchorman. Really anything with Will Farrell in his prime—there is nothing better.

What is the movie you cried the hardest during? The Notebook. The first time I saw it I literally needed 20 minutes before I left the theater.

I never leave the house without….sunglasses. I wear them 365.

Proudest moment of your life? The moment I wake up every morning and get to go to a job that I am so passionate about. (I know, even I hate myself for writing that—but it’s true!)
