STYLE GURU BIO: Keyona Dorsey

Hello Fashionista/os! My name is Keyona Dorsey. I am a sophomore and Fashion Merchandising major at Morgan State University. This is my first semester with CollegeFashionista, and I am beyond ecstatic. I feel like a soda can that explodes after it has been shaken up. I hope that everyone enjoyed their summer and is ready for a rad semester—I know I am! I am honored to share with you the various styles of fashion shown on this campus.

At a young age, I became involved in music, playing clarinet and being introduced to various composers and how the piece was composed. I would prepare for concerts and get excited when a specific part, rhythm and even when electronics were used in one piece. Through my love for music, my creativity began to expand, and it was like living in my own world. As I got older, I began to express how I felt through my clothing and sewing anything that I could get my hands on.

A few fun fats about me: I try on outfits when I am home alone, with the music turned up to the highest volume and start singing badly out loud with my dog KoKo by my side. I love cupcakes and anything that involves chocolate. I love roller coasters, roller coasters, roller coasters! I love getting on them although I am short, but it does not stop me. I have an admiration for camping, even though I went once, and I tell the best jokes. Now on to something we all love: clothes! I would describe my style as strassy. A combination of streetwear and classy, although I do have my Tupac Shakur days as my mother would say. This is an outfit that I would wear to school or just hanging out with friends and family. I absolute love layers, so I have a checkered button-down, black studded sweater on top to give it a little edge and a black mini skirt. To finish this look, I paired it with this neon green spike bracelet, my signature rings, a hand ring bracelet and a pair of boots. So remember, there are no rules when it comes to style!
