STYLE GURU BIO: Hannah Miller

Hi, Style Gurus!

My name is Hannah Miller and I am 21 years old. I am currently a junior at LIM College located in Manhattan, New York, studying Fashion Merchandising. For those of you who are unfamiliar with LIM College, LIM is an abbreviation for Laboratory Institute of Merchandising, which is a specialized fashion school that focuses on the business end of fashion. After completing my Bachelor’s degree at LIM, I hope to become a wardrobe stylist or a vintage clothing and accessories buyer.

I believe that style is important because it is a form of art and it is a direct reflection of your inner soul. In addition to fashion, I highly enjoy photography, music and also venturing to new places whether it is a large city, ethnic restaurant or a small independently owned coffee shop. Having attended classes on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan on a daily basis, there is never a shortage of new adventures in the city that never sleeps.

More than half of my wardrobe is black because black is ALWAYS going to be “the new black.” The few other dominant colors that my wardrobe consists of are white, army green, denim blue, burgundy, gray and taupe. My sense of style is edgy, simplistic and oftentimes recycled. I am huge on vintage and thrift shopping because as a college student; budgeting money is necessary if you want to continually update your wardrobe and keep up with latest fashion trends.

My style depends on my mood and is inspired partially by the 1990s era of grunge as well as the 1960s free-spirited bohemian style. I can often be found with a flannel button-up shirt tied around my waist accompanied by a pair of high-top Converse sneakers. Brands such as Free People and Urban Outfitters are a representation of the boho look that I gravitate towards.

In my opinion, a hat can truly complete an outfit, whether it is a beanie, floppy hat or baseball cap, such as the Nike hat worn in the attached photos. Another accessory that is standard to my personal style is an assortment of eclectic rings. All of the rings as seen in the attached photo happen to all be purchased from my all time favorite vintage/thrift store, Woodstock Vibes.

Here’s to a #RAD summer to all fellow Fashionistas/os! I look forward to seeing everyone’s individual creativity and style.
