Hello! My name is Diamond Holliday. Cool, right? Any who, I am currently a sophomore who previously attended a four year university in Louisiana my freshman year. This semester, I decided to take a semester off and go to Baton Rouge Community College which is closer to home. I strongly believe in dreaming big, working hard and achieving goals. While at the four year university I was studying both Fashion Merchandising and Business Management.
My ultimate goal, education wise, is to receive a Bachelor’s in Business, a Fashion Certificate and an MBA. Career wise, I want to become an entrepreneur owing my own design studio or boutique selling my custom made clothes and art pieces.
In my spare time, I run my own blog, work on improving my sewing/designing skills, painting, drawing and soon I Â hope to get my YouTube channel and online shop up and running.
I took up the positon of being a Style Guru for a few reasons. Number one, of course, is because I simply love fashion. But also, because I wanted to reach out and connect with other Fashionistas. In addition, I want to provide articles such as what to wear or how to style certain items, like I already do on my blog.
In this picture, I showed viewers on my YouTube channel how to style a white pleated skirt. I paired the white pleated skirt with a denim top, black wedge heels and a simple but bold gold necklace. I scored the denim shirt at the thrift store. The skirt and necklace came from Forever 21, and the heels came from a local store in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Well that’s it guys, and I can’t wait to share some amazing fashion and articles with you all!