STYLE GURU BIO: Brianne Lucot

SHE’S BACK! I may have fallen off the CollegeFashionista wagon for a while but I am beyond ready to jump back on. Last year’s quarter life “What am I going to do with my life?” crisis hit me pretty hard and didn’t leave me much time for musing on the latest style trends. However, I came out of it more sure of who I am as a person, professional, and a CollegeFashionista! I am so happy to be back in this RAD community that is always inspiring, always experimenting and always fun to stalk on social media.

I am finally entering into my junior year at the beautiful University of South Carolina. I will be studying Global Supply Chain and Operations Management as well as Human Resource Management. Translated into English, those words mean group projects, group projects and more group projects. Between those projects, being on the leadership team of my business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi, and working as a Darla Moore School of Business Ambassador, I will be calling the business school my second home this semester. When I do finally venture out of the bubble though, I am always inspired by my fellow Gamecocks. I love to see new and exciting risks that people are taking. Whether it be a crazy new hair color, a bold new shoe or some super eye-catching bling, it is the people I pass on the street from whom I draw my inspiration.

My personal style is always changing. Talk to my high school best friend and she will love to tell you some horror stories of things I wore that were totally “cool” back in the day ( she was right, super short bandage skirts should never have been “cool”). And I am sure there are things I am wearing now that in 5 years I will be face-palming over. However taking risks is all a part of finding your personal style. Wear something goofy. Play dress-up. Be someone else for a day. It may just get you featured on CollegeFashionista!
