STYLE ADVICE: Denim on Denim

Winter is rapidly creeping upon us Jersey lovers, thus creating the need for layers with some more layers. In order to transition from the warmth of fall, Fashionistas statewide are bringing out the turtleneck sweaters and some cute jackets to layer on top. This season you won’t see people leaving the door without a choker to accessorize the outfit and add a touch of flare. Who said the ‘90s were out of style?

From models on the runway and celebrities on reality television, all the rage is denim on denim. Whether it is blue denim on dark denim or light denim on black denim there are no longer rules that come along with wearing denim. Usually denim on denim was the biggest fashion no-no but times have changed, Fashionistas. I welcome you to a time where denim paired with denim is accepted and praised.

Everything about this outfit incorporates personal style mixed with the trends of this coming season. This Fashionista decided to applaud her last day of finals with a celebratory shopping spree. She threw on her favorite bulky, turtleneck sweater with her chunky, ripped denim jacket. To add to the outfit she mixed in her black denim jeans that add to the denim look. She lightly accessorized this ensemble by adding her two-toned watch, rose gold choker, and black-lensed sunglasses. Lastly she paired her go-to booties with her matching taupe cross body bag.

She killed the denim on denim look and made this outfit so versatile that it can be switched up for any environment. Welcome to the denim on denim age!
