How to Stay Organized and Focused With a Busy Schedule

Organization leads to productivity and efficiency. Whether you’re in class all week, have an internship, or you’re at a full-time job, being organized is essential. Over the years, I’ve learned a few tips and tricks that help me stay organized and focused with a busy schedule; here are five of those tips!

1—Write down important dates in multiple places. This may sound a little excessive, but try writing down important dates and deadlines in multiple places. I use a planner, a desk calendar, and my phone calendar. A planner is very personalized and detailed. A desk calendar can be very simple and to the point. My phone calendar is basically just a replica of my desk calendar, but it’s useful to refer to when I am not home. No matter where you are, you’ll have access to your schedule.

2—Set personal deadlines. We all leave things until the last minute or sometimes just let our laziness get the best of us. To avoid this, set a personal deadline before the actual deadline. If you accomplish tasks before the actual deadline, you won’t have to worry about not finishing on time or just calling it quits in the name of defeat. Plus, you’ll have time to grab brunch with friends or get that extra sleep in instead of being up all night stressing.

3—Keep your space clean. I am convinced that a clean and polished space helps keep your head clear. If you’re at a desk job/internship, always leave your desk organized before leaving for the day. Going into work to a clean desk will ensure you have a productive morning. If you’re in a college dorm or apartment, I highly suggest making your bed in the morning. This will start your morning with productivity. I always clean my room before I go to sleep as well so I don’t wake up to a mess.

4—Make to-do lists. Just because you have things written down in a planner, doesn’t mean you are going to do them. Make a to-do list for the day, the week, or even the month. I always write one or two things at the top of the list that I’ve already accomplished. If I see something checked off, it makes me feel encouraged to accomplish the other tasks.

5—Set goals for yourself. If you have trouble differentiating between your tasks and your goals, this will help. You accomplish tasks that help you achieve a goal, so just think about where you want to be when setting goals. For example, a goal is gaining 50-100 blog readers. The task is to post three times a week in an effort to gain that following.

Don’t forget to take a break every once in a while; treat yourself to that mid-day latte. How do you stay organized? Share your tips in the comments below and share photos of your planner on social media. Don’t forget to tag @Cfashionista! 
