6 Ways to Destress After Your First Week of College

It’s only the first week of college classes and you’re already stressed to the point where you’re looking forward to winter break. Don’t worry, we’re right there with you. Whether you’re a freshman in college or you’ve got three years of experience under your belt, none of us can escape the stress the first week of class brings. So, here are my friendly tips and tricks on how to de-stress and avoid a total meltdown before the first set of tests have even come over the horizon.

PHOTO: Anna Coke

1—Stay organized

Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again. Staying organized can save you from so much stress! Buy a planner, get some sticky notes, use those brightly colored pens, and keep track of your busy schedule. I’ve found writing lists of things I want to accomplish releases that stress from my mind.

2—Treat yourself

Take a lesson from Donna and Tom and “treat yo self!” There’s nothing wrong with taking an afternoon off from studying to do something you enjoy, like grabbing a coffee or shopping with some friends. It’s important you’re prioritizing yourself and not getting lost in your to-do list.

PHOTO: Kelly Rogowski


Studies have shown meditation has a plethora of health benefits. It reduces stress, improves concentration, and increases self-awareness and happiness. Plus, it also slows aging as an added bonus. If you’re new to the meditation game, you can start off small by doing a couple minutes of meditation a day. You can also look for meditation classes in your area.

4—Be active

If meditation isn’t your thing then find another way to release pent up energy by being active. Whether it’s yoga, soccer, jogging, or Zumba, exercise stimulates your brain and leaves you happier and more relaxed. Try a group fitness class at your gym or go for a 30-minute power walk with a friend.

PHOTO: Kenia Viezcas

5—Find your happy place

It’s important you have a place on or near your campus where you feel you can unwind and relax a bit. I like to call it your happy place. I have two happy places at my university, one on campus and one off campus (both are coffee shops, of course). Find a place you love and make it your go-to location for some R&R.

PHOTO: Kelly Rogowski


Try something new! If there’s a place you’ve walked by and thought “I should go check that out,” then you should totally do it. Take the time to explore places around you. It’s an easy way to de-stress and to get to know your campus. You don’t have to limit exploring to just physical locations. Explore new ideas, new opportunities, or anything that sparks your interest.

How do you like to de-stress? Let me know in the comments below!
