I had a lot of favorite purses and handbags when I was growing up. I wasn’t very fond of shoulder and cross-body bags until my senior year of high school. Way back when, nothing compared to having a huge tote bag on my arm. They held everything, and I always felt like they made me look a bit more grown up. For me, that trend ended a long time ago, but the tote is back. Seeing this Fashionista sport one brought back some rad memories.

This Fashionista created a glam outfit with her most simple pieces. This monochromatic look was centered on the crocodile embossed tote bag that she keeps her books and favorite lip gloss in. Every girl should have a few basic pieces that can be worn with anything. Her white T-shirt paired with high-waisted jeans was a fabulous combination to match with her leather jacket. This jacket had a very classic silhouette, changing the personality of the entire outfit. To add a little edge to the classic rock look of her outfit, this Fashionista added a pair of studded combat boots. A few subtle accessories like her silver hoop earrings and off white scarf kept the look young and fresh.

How To: Big hoop earrings, to some, should have stayed in the ’70s and ’80s, however, I still love when Fashionista’s wear them! I would take studded booties over heels any day. Tote bags can be found anywhere, but my favorites come from Nordstrom’s Rebecca Minkoff collection. Here is one from ASOS that will help you finish the winter season in style!
