ALL IN THE DETAILS: I’ve Got the (Navy) Blues

All I seem to talk about anymore is the weather, and not because I’m making boring small talk. This summer’s weather has simply been peculiar. For the first half of the summer, it seemed as if the clouds, cool temperatures and rain were never going away. Recently, it’s been completely different. The weather switched to hot and humid, which is almost worse than all the rain.

With all of that weather talk off my chest, I can finally move on. I suppose there is more to life than the weather. It does not dictate everything, right? Well, it does dictate what I decide to do with my hair, but that’s a completely different story.

This Fashionista kept the humid weather in mind when piecing her look together.  Who said white has to be the color of the summer? While navy is dark and does not always work in the intense heat, the navy blue is perfect in this look. This Fashionista wore a navy blue hat to protect her hair from the humidity, and her dress is flowy without being shapeless. It’s perfect for the intense heat. Her shoes and purse are neutral so as not to distract from the navy in the rest of her look. Take note, everyone: this Fashionista has taken a risk and gotten it right.

How To: Switch up your summer white outfit by wearing a flowy, navy blue dress. Add a simple navy hat, a brown crossbody and neutral shoes. Voila! You’ve got a look that’s perfect for battling the heat and humidity.
