WHAT TO WEAR: Sizzlin' in Spring

The summer heat came early in SoCal this year, but then again what else is new? This Fashionista knows how to brace the heat in style with her casual on campus look. Although it’s dead week here at CSUSB, also known as the week before finals, it’s easy to bum it with sweats, a baggy T-shirt, and some Birkenstocks. But this Fashionista refuses to let finals defeat her. For her classroom look, this Fashionista paired a pair of cut-off white denim shorts with a coral toned loose T-shirt that did a fabulous job at highlighting her beautiful tresses! Bright colors like white and coral are perfect for the spring and summer months because they reflect the light in a beautiful way, which also works to highlight a tan! To accessorize, she kept it simple with a pair of Steve Madden brown strappy sandals and a bold statement necklace with neutral stones.

This outfit works for a sunny spring day on campus on a variety of levels! One being that since it’s cute and casual, it doesn’t look overdone, especially for a short day of classes. Secondly, and any Californian knows how to execute this effortlessly, it’s flowy—so it’ll keep you cool and dry through those heat waves that California knows all too well. It just goes to show that you don’t have to go all out all the time—sometimes it’s the simpler the better!

Whereas our quarter here at CSUSB is coming to an end and the stress of finals is settling in, I keep looking at the bright side because spring fashion season is upon us. So get excited, Fashionistas!
