5 Novels Every #GirlBoss Needs to Read This Summer

As an aspiring #GirIBoss, I am constantly on the lookout for the perfect inspirational novel to help me create my future. However, I found the abundance of advice novels out there overwhelming, so I set out to find the best books for all of us powerful women out there. I’ve compiled a list of my must-have reads to get you feeling totally inspired. So get comfortable in your favorite reading spot and jump in!

1—The Confidence Code by Katty Kay & Claire Shipman. Confidence is something that I continually struggle with in my professional and personal pursuits. This book discusses how to overcome that. Take the self-esteem quizzes in the notes sections of this book before reading because they will give you a jumping off point for personalized advice. I found their tips of power dressing or posing to increase confidence the most helpful!

2—The Girl’s Guide to Being a Boss by Caitlin Friedman & Kimberly Yorio. I have only ever thought about things from the point of view of an interviewee, but never the interviewer or CEO. This novel details the ins and outs of being a successful boss and the balance between being pushy and a push-over. My favorite chapter discussed delegation and being okay with letting go of control on projects. While the novel focuses on executives, this something that can be challenging for employees at every level.

3—The Anti 9-to-5 Guide by Michelle Goodman. Something that stuck with me from this novel was the question “What’s your cosmetology school?” The author simply discusses a friend who couldn’t come up with a career he was looking to pursue and goes against the notion of making tons of money at a 9-to-5 job to be happy. This got me thinking about my passions and creating something that amounts to more than just a paycheck.

4—The Career Code by Hillary Kerr & Katherine Power. In addition to discussing everything from interview faux pas to managing stress, this book includes other tips to help you get to the top and stay there. They offer 27 life hacks to get a hold of your life and direct it toward the path you want. My favorites center around the use of a calendar or journal to keep track of appointments and interviews.

5—Power Your Happy by Lisa Sugar. Finally, as someone who wants to go into the entertainment field, I found this novel extremely interesting. It describes the story of the creation of PopSugar, a media empire. Learning about creating a successful platform inspired me to think about my future goals. Compiling a list of your own passions and what truly makes you happy could lead to the creation of your perfect career.

Receiving advice from powerful women was the jumpstart I needed to begin brainstorming what I love to do and how to turn it into a career and become a true #GirlBoss. These ladies offer up genuine wisdom and heartfelt anecdotes to help inspire future business women!

What’s your favorite inspirational novel? Let me know in the comments below!
