13 Ways To Creatively Treat Yo' Self

Clothes. [Treat yo’ self.] Fragrances. [Treat yo’ self.] Massages. [Treat yo’ self.] Mimosas. [Treat yo’ self.] Fine leather goods. [Treat yo’ self.] It’s the best day of the year.

Whether or not you get the Parks and Recreation quote (and if you don’t, you need to get on that like ASAP), there is one reference we can all appreciate—the idea of treating ourselves.

What better time than Valentine’s Day to take some time and celebrate your #1 love—yourself. While you may not have the budget (or TV scripting) for an all out indulgent binge a là Tom and Donna, that doesn’t mean you still can’t treat yo’ self.

Here are 13 ways to creatively treat yo’ self this Valentine’s Day!

Ditch that green smoothie/egg white omelet in exchange for what your really craving. Calories don’t count today, after all.

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Photo via @courtneypelot

Breakfast in bed. Lunch in bed. Netflix in bed. Just stay in bed as long as humanly possible.

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Photo via @mags_m10

Press “purchase” on the [fill in the blank] you have been eyeing for months now.

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Photo via @carly_tice

Create an at-home concert experience with lit candles, some patchouli oil and your favorite records.

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Photo via @anndyjackson

We hear baking is good for the soul (or at least will make your apartment smell like a sugary heaven).

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Photo via @audielauf27

Take Pinterest offline by creating an actual mood board of quotes, photos and images that remind you that you are RAD!

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Photo via @alessagabrielle

Be a tourist in your own city or town. Take advantage of the culture and adventure awaiting you in your own backyard.

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Photo via @ameliachristineburns

Pick up a new hobby you have been dying to try. May we suggest cross stitching your favorite rap lyrics?

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Photo via @ally_rohmann

Explore and experiment with your personal style. Try a bold accessory, loud print or even a statement eye color that speaks to you.

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Photo via @brisaamarr

Bring the spa experience to you. Stock up on some fancy smelling bath products, turn down the lights and clock some serious “me” time.

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Photo via @freehandednonsense

Roses are…super clichè. Pick up a dozen of your favorite stems for an arrangement you are sure to love.

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Photo via @madelinearchambault

Go see that movie you are embarrassed to tell your besties you want to see. (Because you secretly want to see Leo eat a raw bison liver on the big screen.)

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Photo via @hollyreimer

Enjoy a half a dozen doughnuts with your roommates. (And by “roommates” I mean by yourself. All in the name of Valentine’s Day!)

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Photo via @luv2styl
