Wishful Ways to Change Your Mindset After a Big Move

It has now been a few weeks since I made a big move to New York City and started my internship. With the change of living in a new city, I realized there needs to be a change in my state of mind. It is important to have the right perspective or outlook on whatever it is you are doing in life. New York is a city like no other, so a change of scenery goes along with a change of perspective. Whether it is a bustling city like New York or a quiet small town, here are a few ways to get into the right state of mind when moving somewhere new.

Have confidence, no matter how hard you are challenged! Let’s be honest: moving somewhere new is not always going to be a breeze. There will be bumps in the road where your confidence is tested. You won’t always know how to get to that one restaurant or you might feel like you don’t exactly “fit in.” Don’t let these challenging times get the best of you! Having confidence that you can make it through a big change is key. Remember, it took a lot of confidence to pick up and leave your comfort zone, so having that same mindset when arriving in your new city is just as important.

Ditch your fear of solitude. Take the leap, get out there, and explore! I am sure your new city has so much to offer. Whether you’re with a friend or by yourself, take some time after work or spend all weekend seeing the local sights. The worst thing you can do is sit back and allow the fear of the unknown take over. Go out and get lost! Who knows, you might find some cool digs along the way.

Keep an open mind. When living in a new city, it is very easy to succumb to judgment. Keeping an open mind will help you feel much more comfortable in your new surroundings. If you do so, you’ll gain a new outlook on the world and perhaps gain a new appreciation for things. If you see someone wearing a style that is quite different than what’s usually worn in your old town, don’t be too quick to judge. Instead, maybe take note of the style for the next time you go shopping. I promise, you will learn things you never knew possible!

Stay true to you. With all this talk of change and acceptance, it is most important you stay true to yourself. Moving to a new city should help you grow into an improved individual, not change you for good. Remember to keep in touch with your friends from home. Never lose your “funny” accent. In no time, you will feel like an improved person.

Have you recently moved to a new city? Leave a comment below telling me how you got through the change. 
