WHAT TO WEAR: Stylish Rattlers

Every Friday, students gather together for an hour and have a get-together in an area known as “The Set.” Every Set Friday there are vendors that come out and sell their products to students while a DJ sets a party atmosphere. During this time dance groups, fraternities, and sororities show off their famous strolls while everyone cheers them on. Also sometimes celebrity guests come out and surprise students.

It’s a way for new students to get acclimated into the school by showing them what FAMU has to offer. This tradition is something that has been done for generations at Florida A&M University. Set Friday is a way for students from all walks of life to come together and celebrate each other and our school. It is a way to unify the student body and to give student a break from the stress of school and personal life. During Set Friday many students dress up in their best school spirit outfits as a way displaying their school pride.

This particular Fashionista showed off her school spirit with class. To show school spirit she wore a FAMU T-shirt and paired it with a black tulle skirt. To keep it simple she added black leather heels. To add a little sparkle to her outfit she wore a silver diamond crusted heart necklace. The portraits were taken all around The Set, where the event occurs.  Her outfit was chic while still representing the orange and green school colors.
