What Not To Do During Your Summer Internship

Summer break isn’t truly a break for everyone. Some of us have gone through tons of stressful—but stylish—interview outfits, sweaty-palm situations, and nerve-racking one-on-one conversations to land the perfect summer internship. Now that you’re working for your dream company, and future employer if all goes well, here are some internship mistakes you definitely want to avoid.

1—Showing up late. One of the worst things you could do as an intern is show up late for work. While some things can’t be foreseen, like heavy traffic or train delays, expect the unexpected and always give yourself enough time to get work if it does happen. Remember, being right on time is being late and being early is being on time.

Pro Tip: Before your first day of work, time how long your commute will be from home. This way, you know exactly what time you need to leave in order to avoid an awkward conversation with your boss.

2—Showing up unprepared. What’s worse than showing up late to work? Showing up unprepared. Always have extra pens and a small notebook on hand. You never know when you might need to jot down some instructions or a short note for later. Make sure your laptop and phone are fully charged and ready to go by the time you get to work.

Pro Tip: Pack your bag the night before so you can relax in the morning and not worry about forgetting anything at home.

3—Being unorganized. There’s a lot you’re going to learn as an intern, so it’s important to keep track of notes, dates, or contacts that you may need to remember. Keep your physical papers together and organize your desktop so that finding files is quick and easy!

Pro Tip: Try using a planner and making daily to-do lists to make sure that all tasks are completed on time.

4—Forgetting to dress the part. As the saying goes, “Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have.” Make sure you know your company’s dress code and stick to it. Is it business casual or a little more professional? Can you wear jeans or off-the-shoulder tops? Or is denim completely off the table? Dress codes can vary depending on the industry you’re working in. If you’re ever unsure about whether or not something is acceptable for the office, just don’t wear it and ask your employer about it later.

Pro tip: Pick out and iron your clothes the night before so you’re ready to look put-together, stylish, and professional at work in the morning!

Know any more intern mistakes we should avoid? Let us know in the comments below!
