12 Instagram Photos That Show Why Being A Style Guru is #RAD

Back-to-school season is right around the corner. While, sure, no one is really thrilled about the idea of homework and 8 a.m. lectures, there is one big reason to be excited to head back to campus—being a Style Guru, of course!

Our Style Gurus lead pretty #RAD lives both in front and behind the camera. From shooting photos of stylish students to showcasing their killer personal style to honing their social media skills, we have the best team and community of Style Gurus repping CollegeFashionista around the world!

Don’t believe us? Check out these 12 Instagram photos that will make you have major #StyleGuruLove! Want to take your campus by (fashionable) storm and be a part of the team this fall? Be sure to apply here!

1. @andreafp_


2. @anndyjackson


3. @browneyelovely


4. @clairelarkins


5. @embethleb


6. @emilydcole


7. @kassekayyy


8. @meagansapashe


9. @notkarla


10. @robin_lis


11. @sof.rodriguez


12. @tesspalan


Be sure to follow our Style Gurus’ adventures using the hashtag #StyleGuruLove on social media or in the social mosaic on the homepage of CollegeFashionista!
