Hello there, CollegeFashionista world! My name is Arianna Shaw and I am a third year Fashion Design student at the University of Cincinnati. This is my first semester being a Style Guru and I could not be more ecstatic. I am a bubble tea fanatic and an Instagram addict. I have worked in retail for five years and love every bit about it as helping others find their style and their own looks that work for them is rewarding within itself.
For as long as I can remember, I have always had a passion for fashion. I remember doing career projects on design back in elementary school. I love how everyone is able to express themselves based on clothing and accessories.
My style is always changing and evolving but lately I would describe it as simple and chic. Currently, my go-to ensemble is a pair of black booties, a simple boyfriend T-shirt and black jeans. I love dressing in black and white and occasionally might add a statement piece like a plaid scarf. My favorite way to spice up a look is to simply add a bold matte lip for a pop of fun.
This semester, I am studying abroad in France and the United Kingdom and I am so eager to share the unique styles these countries have to offer. Everyone there dresses to the nines for every occasion and it is definitely inspiring.
If I was not an aspiring Fashion Designer then Journalism would for sure be my major of choice. I am so excited for the opportunity to get back into writing and I cannot wait to share my thoughts with you all. I highly encourage you check in with me every Monday to see what’s new!