STYLE GURO BIO: Gosnel McDermott

My name is Gosnel McDermott, and I am a rising junior at Towson University. I am studying Digital Art and Design, which includes graphic design, digital illustration and animation. With this, I also do love photography as well. I mostly work in the realms of studio and fashion photography, a world where I can have the most control over the subject that I am photographing.

If I were to describe my style briefly, I would say that it’s a dapper street-wear mix. I like to include elements of dapper style clothing with collared shirts, pastel colors and chinos, but I also like to wear elements of street style clothing with bold patterns and statement pieces like a large necklace or an interesting hat.

In my art creation in general, I like to challenge what is commonly known about certain subjects especially in the art world. I am also interested in focusing on social issues as concepts for the work that I do and I make sure that it is a prominent theme in my work.

Fashion and personal style has always been a part of my life. One thing I like to do when it comes to clothing and making art is combining elements that are not normally considered to be compatible with each other and making them harmonize with each other in a creative way. My style always changes, and it always deals with different aspects of well known styles like grunge, dapper, street, casual, etc.

I always found it difficult to describe myself and what I do because I focus on bringing different aspects together to create something new so often, that sometimes I forget what the main idea I’m trying to create is. With constant work and tweaking my ideas though, I am always able to create something new and achieve my goal of bringing ideas together.
