It’s a no-brainer that color schemes of any season tend to match the weather. When it comes to summer, experimentation with warm or bold hues come into play. The best part about this time of year is the internal drive we have to explore ourselves and our surroundings. I think it’s due largely in part to the warm weather and the insane amount of downtime we suddenly have. Whatever the reason actually is, this is a great approach to find out what works best for us with nothing to lose and while having a little fun along the way.

This Fashionista has the perfect summer look with her floral print pants and matching tucked-in camisole! She was not afraid to mix two opposing colors and even throw in a stunning pattern. The pink and black balanced each other out throughout the outfit, but the gold and black accessories were the underdogs that really brought out her pants. The black Ralph Lauren leather tote bag and sandals added sophistication and matching coloration, while the gold jewelry enhanced the level of put togetherness this Fashionista possesses.

Like this Fashionista, incorporate a new trend into your wardrobe and blend it with your normal wear to truly make it your own. This helps you step outside your comfort zone but not too much to the point where your feel uncomfortable. This summer is all about finding yourself and it’s never too late to start!

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Warm weather is the best time to express yourself with warm, pretty colors!”
