BEAUTY BAR: Lavender Locks

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve searched Pinterest just to lust over the possibility of dying my hair lavender. Unfortunately, I’m all pin and no talk because I’m too nervous to fully commit to the idea of bleaching my hair and honestly I don’t think I could pull it off. Last year I had a balayage ombré and that’s as crazy as I’m going to get for a while because the breakage from all those highlights was real. So for now, I’m cool with being a brunette. But that doesn’t mean I can’t live vicariously through this Fashionista and her Tumblr-worthy locks of majestic unicorn hair. Basically people, pastel hair and other nontraditional hair colors are on-trend right now and it’s amazing (insert praise hands emoji here).

This Fashionsita is rocking a dark purple hue. She paired a leather jacket and cable knit sweater with black jeans, cutout booties, a #RAD statement necklace and a ‘90s-inspired lip for a playful look that complemented her killer hair.  I love this shade of purple because it’s chic and noticeably unique, but due to its saturated pigmentation the upkeep is a breeze. If you are opting for a pastel shade, it’s likely that you’ll have to retouch your hair more often than you would a darker color because lighter shades wash out quicker.

I admire the brave babes who can pull these looks off, and if you’re considering doing something similar with your hair I fully support your decision. After all, this is the time in our lives when we’re supposed to be spontaneous; we’re in college, people—it’s what we do. We have fun and we don’t take ourselves too seriously because in a few years we will actually be forced to admit that we are adults. And even if you are entering the real world, I’m pretty sure grown-ups are allowed to have fun sometimes too. All I’m saying is if you have been wondering how the world would look through the eyes of a silver fox, then take the plunge and go gray. If you have been contemplating dying your hair teal, please go on with your bad mermaid self. Slay us all and do what makes you happy because life’s too short bebe.

What’s on the BEAUTY BAR: Unless you have some serious experience with bleaching your hair in order to lift your current color, I would suggest taking a trip to the salon and having your hair dyed professionally by a stylist. Sure, it may be more expensive than what you could find at the drugstore, but this is no average boxed dye project and it can be tricky to do yourself. Trust me, the end result will be worth the extra cash and if you’re a Parks and Rec fan then there’s no excuse because you know Donna Meagle and Tom Haverford would want you to treat yo self.
