It’s that time of the semester that we start to see everyone become stressed with midterms and finals. But don’t let that ruin your passion for looking great. This week I was rushing to get some caffeine into my system before my morning class. After I started to feel awake, I bumped into a Fashionista that had such a good outfit. I just had to stop and ask her if I could get a few pictures of her outfit as well as her accessories. Luckily she was okay with it.

Her outfit was very chill and casual. I adored the choker she had on as well as the bracelets because her accessories were on point. Her T-shirt made me nostalgic since it reminded me of the plastic bags that were given after one went grocery shopping. She paired it off with her black sneakers that were casual and went well with the whole look. I loved how the choker had a bit of red and went with her jacket. Even though none of her bracelets had red, they both sparkled and had a classic and fancy look that paired off perfectly with the outfit. This Fashionista still kept her aesthetic with red color palette throughout her accessories and outfit.

The weather in New York City has been out of control lately, as in one day it’s all blue skies and sunny then the next it’s gray with frigid winds. One can never go wrong with wearing rad accessories with an amazing outfit.
