Transitioning out of winter, we’re all trying to figure out what to do with our drawers of tights. These have a run in them from those brutal on-campus washing machines. Those have hole from the time you decided to climb that fence. What are we supposed to do with all of these wasted tights and stockings? Well, why don’t you wear them – holes and all!

This Fashionista is headed to class in last season’s nylons! Her ripped up hoisery adds a sprinkle of punk that even Vivienne Westwood would be proud of. Thankfully it’s warming up, and demolished tights are the less constricting counterpart of their wintery cousins. If you want to sport some stockings without the sweat, getting a few more miles out of those lost cause hose!

How To: If you have a few holes in your tights already, just run with it. These puppies age like a fine wine and only look better the holier they get! If you’re starting from scratch either check out some pre-shredded tights or take a few seconds and a piece of sandpaper to your tights until they are deconstructed to your liking. Add some torn up tights to a floral dress to rock some feminine edge or simply sport these with some shorts and a badass denim jacket like this Fashionista.
