There were so many unique elements that inspired me from the Chanel resort 2016 show a few years ago. Karl Lagerfield’s deep understanding of women’s design and color theory made this one of the most memorable Chanel collections to date, drastically moving away from the original foundation of the brand. While Lagerfeld embraced femininity, unlike the brand’s founder, Coco Chanel, he incorporated one of the seasons most prized staples: culottes.

Not only was I drawn to the flowy and comfortable nature of the culottes in the Chanel show, I was also totally inspired by the jaw-dropping mix of prints and colors. The exotic blues, hints of pastels, exuberant neons and a gorgeous rainbow of feminine colors encapsulated the show. Between the culottes and the color scheme, I knew I wanted to recreate this look.

I started with my favorite pair of culottes, made from a stretchy and extra flowy material that was sure to sway in the summer breeze. I added on a sheer, brightly colored shirt that opens at the bottom. With these culottes, because of their style, I normally either tie up my shirt or tuck it in. I felt like Karl Lagerfield would have preferred this tied up! My accessories were minimal, as in the show, with a few rings and my usual little bracelets.

I shied away from Lagerfield’s shoe choice, because we are still in summer and it isn’t quite the time for Mary Jane’s, although they are quite cute on the model. Because of the wide-leg in these pants, I opted for a heel that gave me some height and slimmed down my legs, allowing the culottes to do their true duty—look good.

Are you inspired by Chanel’s resort collection? Embrace it and get inspired for some summer fashion. See you next week in Los Angeles!

Get My Look: 1. A bright-colored pair of comfy culottes. 2. A fun floral shirt. 3. Some cool midi-rings. 4. Heels you can walk in.
