AROUND TOWN: Mo Fiebiger

The way you start your day can have a huge influence on how you go about it. From spreading positivity to expressing your own voice sartorially, Mo Fiebiger, president of HAPPI, definitely knows all about this phenomenon. I caught up with this Fashionista to get a clearer insight on the intersection of fashion and positive psychology.

Name: Mo Fiebiger

Role: President, HAPPI

CollegeFashionista: What’s HAPPI?

Mo Fiebiger: HAPPI, it stands for Happiness and Positive Psychology Initiative. It’s a new student organization here on campus, and I am the president.

CF: How did HAPPI start? How do people get involved with HAPPI?

MF: Well, HAPPI was originated from a group of Positive Psychology students who took the class with Bruce Smith. We allow anyone to be in the group, to be a part of it and learn about positive psychology. You can reach out to us. You can take the class, but you don’t necessarily have to be a psychology student.

CF: How does fashion play a role in HAPPI?

MF: For me, I feel like when I wear an outfit it allows me to express myself that’s individualistic. That’s very important to HAPPI. We’re all different people, and we’re all unique. When I wear something that makes me feel good, I’m confident. I’m able to lead the group better.

CF: On that note, what are some closet essentials that make you feel unique and feel good?

MF: Definitely a variety of summer dresses are my favorite. Just flowy and fun, it’s like you don’t have a care in the world—even though you obviously do. It’s obviously not the truth, but it’s the way it makes me feel; I feel good.

Learn More: If you’d like to get more involved, HAPPI meets Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Phoenix Lab, which is located in the basement of Logan Hall.
