5 Bodyweight Exercises To Help You Stay In Shape This Summer

Between juggling a summer class, an internship, or a part-time job, finding time to make it to the gym can be difficult. With the summer season vastly approaching and temperatures rising, your focus should be on staying healthy and gaining strength. Why not learn some exercises to help you tone your muscles and be on your way to rocking more body confidence?

If you’re an in-experienced gym-goer, don’t sweat it! Bodyweight workouts are quick, easy, and don’t require any equipment. Here are the top five exercises to help you shape up this summer:

1- Squats

These target the muscles in your lower body, including your glutes and quads. The quickest way to a “bubble butt” is to perform approximately 30 reps daily.

2- Push-Ups

This exercise targets your chest and back. To ensure your form is correct, try placing your arms in a goal post position.

3- Plank

If you’re a beginner, it may be easier to use your forearms to help support your weight during this exercise. In order to effectively define your core, keep your shoulders and hips at the same height. You should begin to notice tighter abs in just a few short days if you hold your plank for 20 to 60 seconds daily.

4- Lunges

When completing a lunge, it is important to remember that your knees should not touch the floor. To add some variety, try walking lunges in a straight line or around the perimeter of your room.

5- Mountain Climbers 

This exercise involves pulling alternating knees to your chest, which is a great way to flatten your stomach. The quick movements allow for a boost of cardio. High intensity exercises such as this one also increase your heart rate, helping to burn more calories throughout the day.

What are your favorite bodyweight exercises? Leave your suggestions in the comments below, and don’t forget to tag us on social media, @CFashionista!
