Trekking up to the library can be a struggle no matter what the temperature, so this cold New England weather doesn’t do any of us any favors. It’s no secret that sometimes the library can turn into more of a social experience than a study session especially here at URI if you find your way to the second floor. That is why it is so important to find the right balance between looking good and staying comfortable to brace yourself for the brutally long hours spent cramming for your exam.

This Fashionista caught my eye heading into the library after her design class. It doesn’t surprise me that a fashion major would be able to so effortlessly create a look that looks comfortable but doesn’t compromise her style. My favorite element of her outfit was her shiny leggings from American Apparel. Rather than fussing with jeans or leather leggings, these bottoms are comfortable but still have a unique element that shows off this Fashionista’s edgy style.

I also admired the way she paired her light blue sweater with a darker blue infinity scarf. The two pieces are perfectly juxtaposed against each other. In addition, I am absolutely in love with her backpack. Her backpack and her leggings look perfect together because they are both black and shiny so it makes her ensemble flow nicely together. In addition she paired her leather backpack with adorable black, lace-up combat boots. She also looks super fabulous in her large sunglasses.

One Simple Change: Study so hard you landed an internship? This Fashionista could easily switch out the boots and infinity scarf for a statement necklace and a cute pair of flats and be ready to go to work!
