Greetings fellow youths! My name is Brywn. Despite the seemingly random W in my name, it is silent, placed there just to trip people up. I was born and raised in Mesa, Arizona, though I am currently a freshmen at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah. Though at the moment undeclared, I am leaning heavily towards majoring in English.

My obsession is reading, so I’m always looking for new suggestions or people to rant to. A slight notch below books comes clothes. I love being inspired and while that definitely pertains to life in general, I notice it most frequently in fashion. There’s almost nothing better than seeing an outfit that blows your mind!

I admire numerous people that have dedicated a part of their life, if not all of it, to making the world a better place in all its various aspects. From Emma Watson to Malala Yousafzai and Lin-Manuel Miranda, these people have used their talents and beliefs to stand for important issues and to educate. While this may seem anticlimactic after such examples, I also admire people who are bold with their fashion, not just fashion designers, but average and ordinary people who decided to combine outrageous pieces of clothing and then wear it!

I love these types of people because they are what I hope to become. Within a few moments of observation, it is easy to deduce that I prefer more subtle clothes and that I’m not all that outspoken. When I imagine a future version of myself, I: 1) Wear a lot of bright colors, sparkles and fur and 2) Make a difference.

It may be obvious that I have a strange sense of humor and high aspirations for life, but I hope it also becomes obvious that I love fashion and all it offers. I am unbelievably excited for this opportunity to share a part of my passion with all of you! Hope you stick with me and enjoy my posts!
