Every girl needs those core basic items in their closets: a little black dress (LBD), plaid flannels and black booties. These essentials can complete a plain outfit or dress it up. For example, you can tie flannels around your waist to rock a grunge look or dress up your LBD with accessories for a night out on the town. But, what if you put all three of these core pieces together? You get one stellar outfit that speaks to you.

This Fashionista and fellow Style Guru did not let anything stop her when she put these core garments together to create a great weather transition outfit. It is finally starting to warm up to wear dresses, yet not so warm to go sleeveless. The key thing about her outfit is its versatility. If the weather heats up, you can take off the flannel and tie it around your waist. If the weather is colder, wear the flannel regularly and tie the tails together to give it a cropped, western look. Another nice touch is her pair of black booties. The red zipper detail really tied together with her red flannel. Personally, any outfit that can transform into another outfit is a great one in my book. That is the great thing about basics, no matter how you wear it or how many times you wear it, the outfit is bound to look stylish as ever.

What’s a better way to finish up your look than to add accessories? This Fashionista dares to add in a bandana for the finishing touches. This effortless look perfects her outfit and gives it a great twist. Don’t be afraid to play with different accessories that aren’t necessarily trending. If that’s what you like, I say go for it! The blue bandana contrasted perfectly with her flannel. The color combinations of both warm and cool colors kept her outfit intriguing and eye-catching.

All in all, it’s great to have those basic items in your closet. Basics do not have to be drab and simple. It’s how you wear it that expresses who you are to the world.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Fashion is all about self-expression. Wear something that expresses who you are, and don’t be afraid to not go with the trends.”
