A huge trend this season has been Piko brand tops. With their silky soft material and tight fitting sleeves, these tops are the perfect transition piece. I love that they are so versatile; they can easily be paired with distressed jeans and booties for the colder weather. It can be really difficult to add color to an outfit when it’s dreary and gray outside, but Piko tops make it much easier! When it comes to weeks full of cloudy skies and freezing winds, trying to find a way to stay warm without simply wearing your pajamas outside can be a challenge. Piko tops can be a great way to add color without compromising warmth.

This week’s Fashionista shows us that it is possible to add color in the winter time without it looking out of place. The pale yellow top adds a fabulous pop of color to an otherwise darker outfit. With thick leggings and boots, this outfit is a great way to look RAD while still staying warm. This Fashionista accessorizes with a chunky gold statement necklace, simple gold bracelets and long earrings. With lighter yellows and golds all throughout her ensemble, this Fashionista shines bright, even on a dreary winter day.

These Piko tops come in a plethora of different colors and styles. You could choose the top version to pair with dark denim and booties, or you could go with the tunic version and add leggings and boots for a warmer alternative. These tops can be dressed up or down, and add a great statement to any outfit.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Definitely comfort. I love outfits that look stylish but for me to love them, they have to be comfortable. I love shirts that are flowy and soft—they make the best layering pieces.”
