ALL IN THE DETAILS: New Year, New Clothes

Happy New Year! Hooray for a fresh start and showing off Christmas presents in the form of new clothes and accessories. What comes along with the New Year is New Year’s Resolutions! Everyone seems to finally decide to cut out the donuts and Frappuccinos (for a limited amount of time) and increase their exercise. The thing that seems to motivate a lot of individuals to actually exercise is cute exercise clothes. Nothing says “I’m ready for the gym,” like a pair of lululemon leggings and Nikes.

This Fashionista set the bar high, setting her sights on running a half-marathon in the early part of the year. In order to succeed, she needed to look the part. She was prepared for her new exercise regimen at the beach in her multicolored leggings and black Nike Frees. The contrast between the dark, sleek shoes and the striking, not to be confused with striping, leggings was perfect for a run at Zuma Beach. She rocked a thin sweatshirt that doubles as a graphic tee for when she stops by Sunlife to get a Brazilian bowl with almond milk and a wellness shot. Adding bracelets and a homemade shell necklace, she made the look her own. Completing her outfit with a bright seafoam green water bottle, she was ready to hit the beach and rock that New Year’s goal.

If you have set the bar high and want to become a Triathlete or even just start walking laps around the track at your school, be sure to take a few pointers from this Fashionista.

How To: If you want to look sporty without blatantly advertising you are going for a run, stick to neutrals (a.k.a. black yoga pants) and a black zip-up hoodie. All-black everything. That’s the way to do it. With that, you are ready to attack your goals!
