WHAT TO WEAR: Interviews

As college students we know that going on interviews is a big part of our everyday life. A huge part of the college experience is gaining the knowledge and skills to snag a great job interview and actually land it. Today I want to share some tips that I have learned over the past three and a half years about how to dress the part.

This look is a good example of what I believe to be a successful interview outfit. My first piece of advice is to keep your color palette fairly neutral, though it isn’t a bad idea to add a pop of color with an accessory. You want to show the interviewer that you are taking your interview seriously, and classic colors are an easy way to show that. You can find ways to let your personality show through without making it the forefront of your style. You want to get hired for having the proper qualifications, and having a great personality is more or less a bonus.

My next piece of advice is to wear something that what you would wear if you are hired for the position. Taking steps to show you’re qualified for the position you’re applying for is so important, not only in terms of skills, but in every aspect of professionalism, including fashion. This is probably the most important thing to consider when choosing an outfit for an interview because rocking a successful interview outfit is not just about putting on a blazer or a button down. You can say so much about yourself through what you wear, and if you can show a company that you’ve researched them, you understand their values and goals and you know what it takes to join their team, then you are setting yourself up for success.
