WHAT TO WEAR: Weekend Wear

The weather in London is unpredictable—the forecast will predict rain, and it’ll end up being extremely sunny. The weather tends to do the opposite of what it is supposed to do. It’s that kind of weather where you don’t know if you should bring an umbrella or not, and if you do and nothing happens, you end up looking like a major tourist. It becomes a little confusing and a bit hard for a Fashionista to dress accordingly; that’s why layering pieces are essential to your wardrobe.

Weekends are usually the time where study abroad students decide to venture out to the other boroughs of London and see all that they have to offer. That means there will be a lot of walking and a chance for the weather to change from one area to the next. The base of this Fashionsta’s outfit is perfect for a day of adventuring! Loose blouses made out of a breathable fabric, like this one, will provide comfort, while the cardigan over it ensures warmth.

The best part of this outfit—tailored to London’s unexpected weather is the shorts and tights combination. Although it might be considerably warmer than some parts of the world right now, it’s not time for shorts just yet. The addition of tights underneath doesn’t necessarily guarantee warmth, but they do add a defining layer to a laid back weekend outfit. Lastly, a great pair of sturdy boots will combat anything thrown this Fashionista’s way.

One Simple Change: I’ve learned that the last layering piece, like your coat, should be the lightest. Switch this coat out for a thinner fall parka so it doesn’t make too much of a difference if you have to take it off! Plus, it’s easier to carry that way!
