Perched upon a stoop, I surveyed the crowd in front of me, visually combing through each and every person that passed. Examining the stampede of people at my feet, not one subject stood out to me. Hours went by, but the vast swarms of pedestrians sauntering past me appeared soporific and jejune. Was there nobody worthy of a CollegeFashionista post? I was beginning to lose all hope when all of a sudden, I froze. There she was. We locked eyes. Sparks flew. She was the one.

I wasted no time asking her to be my subject, and she accepted vehemently, stating it would be “one for the gram.” Striking a reserved and defensive pose, I was able to see the phrase “UNSKINNY” printed on her oversized terry sweatshirt. As this word does not exist according to Merriam–Webster, I simply attributed it to the fact that this cozy piece could easily fit someone with larger proportions.

Her Alexander McQueen band, a sophisticated double–wrap buckle bracelet made of leather and a golden brass, was truly a sight to behold. Simultaneously both beautiful and petrifying, the dorsal side was adorned with a compact cranium. Halloween has just passed and it appears that the terrifying themes of the holiday are still lingering.

This woman’s handbag, a 100 percent Italian made calfskin Saint Laurent classic, emitted an air of grandeur as it swung from her shoulder. As she sealed the bag’s inner zip compartment and closed the accordion–like structure, the smooth black surface seemed animated, as if the leather was of high enough quality to still be alive and kicking.

An existence of luxury and comfort; that’s what this outfit is. Would you like to plunge into a journey of opulence and tranquility? Wear this.
