BEAUTY BAR: Ravenous Red

In 1650, there was an attempt by Parliament to ban the wearing of lipstick; it was believed that lipstick was “the vice of painting.” Lipstick was thought to not only be immoral, but was considered to be an act equivalent to those made by criminals.

I mean, really? Lipstick? That thing that closely resembles a crayon, considered being illegal activity? Ha, ha and an even bigger HA!

History has been marked by lush lipstick, whether historians would like to admit to it. Egyptian goddesses, queens, maidens, mistresses and actresses of all shapes and sizes have at some point in time painted on a crimson smile to accentuate their beauty. While lipstick was once a sign of societal status and ranking, today everyone broadly uses it.

This Fashionista decided to dabble with lipstick in order to replicate this summer’s trend of slick and shiny makeup. Playful, glossy lips are perfect for any midsummers’ day or night. Sometimes lustrous lips can be too much if you are stricken by fair skin, but a bronzed bod (easily achieved with bronzer) helps this look from becoming too overpowering.

Balanced by rosy florals, this Fashionista knew exactly how to rock her summer lipstick. A black romper complemented by strappy black shoes brought this from an easygoing day look to a sophisticated evening ensemble. It is essential when it comes to wearing lipstick that you know how to balance it out, or else you can end up looking like a member of Krusty the clown’s crew from the Simpsons.

What’s on the BEAUTY BAR? With a shiny lip right smack dab in the center of your face, you’ve got to learn the ropes of successfully applying lipstick. You want to stray from applying it directly to the lip. First, apply a nude lip pencil to outline the contours of your lips and then begin patting on the lipstick from the center out to the sides of the mouth; this will keep the lipstick from bleeding onto the skin around the mouth. Next, take a clean napkin and take off any excess lipstick to avoid a goopy looking lip and to keep it from sticking to those pearly whites. Once you follow these simple steps, you’re all set, you’re golden, you’re lookin’ good baby. Just don’t forget to reapply!
