BEAUTY BAR: Pop of Color

Let me set the scene. It’s summer, the middle of the day and around 80 degrees. At this moment of the day most girls makeup starts to smear and that can be a miserable to experience. Mascara and eyeliner runs into our eyes, burning and causing you to cry. The tears roll down your face striping your cheecks of their foundation and now you look like melted wax. So when it’s summer, the makeup we wear should be on the light side. It’s best to keep our face looking as natural as possible, there is no need to lather on foundation and eyeliner. To achieve that, bold colors should be worn both on your lips and nails.

When walking back to work on my lunch break, I came across a Fashionista displaying a Dolce&Gabbana summer 2015 collection-style though her cosmetics. Her face was lightly touched with powder foundation and kissed with cherry red lips, just like the Dolce&Gabbana collection. Additionally her fingernails were painted cherry red to match her bold lipstick. Her face seemed effortless and perfect for the summer heat. Her outfit consisted of black and white materials as to accentuate her lips and nails.

When wearing makeup in the summer, think of that old saying less is more. The amount of makeup worn during the summer should be significantly less that any other time of the year but just because there is less makeup does not mean thats a reason to have less style. Be creative and find colors that inspire you. Paint both your nails and lips vibrant colors, do that and your style has nothing on the summer heat.

What’s on the BEAUTY BAR? The best way to achieve this look is by picking out a staple color. Bold colors work best to accent the neutral palette of the face. Pick a color that accents the clothes being worn. When painting fingernails, red is an easy go to color but pink, purple and blue work well, too. An important thing to remember is that if the outfit is busy with design keep the nails a solid color. Though, if solid colors are being worn in the outfit feel free to add design to the nails. Overall, less is more with makeup during the summer and make sure to always wear a color on the lips and nails that pop.
